kirsty is back, well actually she has been back for a while but we just haven't seemed to have any time to post. okay dokey. on with the show. in particular the A/W '10 chanel couture show. in the previous post megan was very creative, and well thats just cause she is awsome. ANYWAY... theses dresses are just, how should i put this AMAZING AMAZING AMAZING, i am especially in love with the one that bo don is wearing,it's beautiful and reminds me of clouds and meadows, princesses and lovelyness.

the princess in this week's fairytale would be called beau. and she would be locked in a tower waiting for a handsome man to come and sweep her off her feet on her eighteenth birthday. this is when she will be free. guarding the tower is a friendly lion who is her protector and best friend in the whole world. on the eve of her eighteenth birthday however everything seems to go horribly wrong. yes, a handsome man does come to rescue her, but mistakes the friendly lion for a threat and slays him. beau is terribly upset but must go with her 'saviour'...

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